General information about My Templates

My Templates is an overview of all templates you have created. These can be templates that have been published in a playlist, older templates that are not used or templates that have yet to be published. After saving a template you will be automatically redirected to this overview. Within this overview you can do a number of things, namely:

- Copy the URL and paste it into your existing Digital Signage software (click on copy icon)
- Preview the created templates (click on the eye icon)
- Edit the template (click on the pencil icon)
- Share the template with other subusers (click on users icon)
- Duplicate the template (click on duplicate icon) 
- Publish the template quickly (click on the paper plane icon)
- Delete the template (click on the cross icon)

You will also see an indicator in front of the templates. The color of this can vary between:

- Gray (the template is not yet in use)
- Red (the template has not been online for more than 24 hours)
- Orange (the template has not been online for more than 3 hours)
- Green (the template is currently online)